Monday, December 27, 2010


Joel and I are so excited to be starting a family!  My first trimester I was SO NERVOUS, thinking of all the what-ifs.  Now that I'm in my 16th week, I'm feeling much better about things.  We're not finding out the sex of the baby and it could kill me by the end, but the mystery of it all is fun as well.  Here are a couple pics of Baby Green from my 14 week ultrasound.

At this ultrasound, the baby was 5 days bigger than my "expected" duedate.  Seeing that Nan and Tim's wedding is on June 18th, the earlier the better for this precious babe!  It was very active during the ultrasound, which was so fun to see.  I have my monthly appointment tomorrow, but I don't think we'll have an ultrasound.  So, I'll be lingering over these pics for a while.
I've been feeling pretty great.  As I told Joel yesterday,  I don't feel 100% (in fact, I can't remember the last time I felt 100%) but I really can't complain because I haven't had any morning sickness.  I have no cravings and the smell of fish/crab makes me want to run out of the room!

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